Hello Alarming Data of Social Media Addiction
Teens and young adults are by far the most affected by social media addiction. According to the Pew Research Center, 70% of US adults use Facebook or Instagram daily, while 59% use Snapchat daily. Here are some of the alarming data published by Cross River Therapy around social media addiction.
- Around 70% of teens and young adults in the US have a social media addiction.
- The average person spends 1 hour and 40 minutes per day on social media.
- Over 50% of Americans aged 30-49 have a social media addiction.
- Over 60% of men and over 55% of women are addicted to social media.
- Over 33% of the world’s population uses social media.
- Women tend to use social media more than men and they spend more time on social media than men do.
- Women spend an average of 2.08 hours a day on social media and men average 1.81 hours a day.
Psychology of Addiction
Social media addiction is deeply intertwined with the brain’s reward system and dopamine transmission. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When we engage in activities that our brain perceives as rewarding, such as receiving likes, comments, or messages on social media, dopamine is released, creating a sensation of pleasure and reinforcing the behavior.
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